Sunday, July 3, 2011

all the glory to HIM

I still have 3 ugandan necklaces left to help with the expenses for this family. 

3-light-colored, hand-crafted by ugandan people...just for you :0)

 you can place your order on the right-hand side of this page.  

and almost everything i was selling for them was sold at my friend, melanie's rummage sale

except the tan rocker/ottoman :0(....hope to find a buyer for this!!

......thank you melanie!!! 

they are with their boys right now, just waiting to bring them home.  this all happened very fast and their expenses would be pretty overwhelming for any family.  but god is gracious and he will take care of them.  which doesn't mean we don't have to do our part to help.  
god was soo faithful in his promises to our family and i am honored to be able to help another....
even of it's only a little bit. 
and just look at these sweet faces! 

such a miracle!

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