Saturday, March 21, 2009

Tonight I Pray......

Everyone is feeling the pain of the economy right now....some so much more than others. It's a good time to count our blessings that Dic has his job and every day we pray that it stays that way. I was watching 20/20 last night and a devoted teacher of a high school in California decided to interview the students in his classroom to see how they are all affected by the shock-wave going through our country. Unsurprisingly, most of them are right in the middle of it...some just feeling the stress their parents are going through and some are in fear that they will eventually loose their homes, and that time will probably be sooner than later. Their tears were flowing, and of course, so were mine. A boy opened his refrig to show the amount of food left... or lack thereof. He said,with a smile on his face, mind you,"we usually have butter, but not today."
These interviews can be found on You Tube and it was shared with our president. While 20/20 was shooting this show a fax came into the classroom which contained a speech that President Obama had given. He mentioned the students' video and quoted one young lady that inspired him. Their video was titled, "Are You Listening?" ARE we listening? Anyone who isn't either isn't affected...yet, or just isn't paying attention. In President Obama's speech he declared, "I AM Listening!" I don't know what he will do for us, and I don't care what anyone says about's difficult to have faith in someone we know so very little about, but I feel in my heart that he's a good man. Once again, I was overwhelmed with emotion watching this show.

This past couple of weeks the recession has hit our home town a little harder. We were all wondering when it was coming.....well, it's here. The furniture plant right behind our house is closing which will cost some 300 people their jobs (also being one of my husband's good customers), and a computer-building company is closing their doors June 1st, leaving another 300 jobless. This past week hospital employees were told they would get no additional vacation or sick time on top of the fact that the didn't receive their normal pay-raises. So it's hitting home and it's very scary. Again we have soo much to be thankful for. Our kids are healthy and we have a home......our prayers each day are for those who aren't as fortunate. I am relying on God to provide and hopefully everything will come back as quickly as it went away. I can't even imagine what some people are going through. I just want them to know they are in my constant prayers. I pray for them to have be count any blessings they may have.
Tonight I pray....for you....for me.....
Tonight I pray.....


J, A, T and Y said...

Ha....look at my background....good taste I guess!

J, A, T and Y said...

Ha....look at my background....good taste I guess!

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