Monday, September 12, 2011

Would you help? ASK5for5 for Africa famine & drought

A malnourished child in an MSF treatment tent in Dolo Ado

dear bloggy friends and facebook friends,
 I have taken it upon myself to ask you if you would join me and over 100 other people to post about this! this is in my heart and i really want to help make a difference! 
it's just one of the little things we can do for others around the world and it just takes a few minutes! 
are you with me? 
let me know and i will get the info for you.  
read this message from my friend sarah who started this campaign:
Calling all bloggers! I am going to be guest posting on 100+ blogs next Monday for Ask5for5, and am looking for many more. If you have a blog, or read a blog(s), would you kindly allow me to guest post about the plight of those suffering from drought and famine in East Africa or ask your favorite blogger to let me? I will provide all of the content, and you just cut and paste!

it's THAT simple.
we get you the info and you paste into a new post. 
that's it. 
and you save. 
save lives.

1 comment:

jagrmerrill said...

i would gladly post =) my blog is

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