Saturday, January 28, 2012

It's been a YEAR....VIDEO!!!!

 This day has been coming.....well, for a year!
the cake i made for aregash

   This is the day that we traveled across the world with our new baby girl in tow and we were soo excited to start being a "complete family".
So this day is called our "Complete Family Day". 
I never thought the day would come and I'm pretty sure people around us never thought so either.  
What an amazing journey it has been. 
What an amazing little child God chose for us!

our family

It has been anything but easy, but God makes no mistakes! 
Our love is growing stronger every by day.
  That's how we roll.  
 You can see some of what we have seen by watching this.
(click the pause button on my music to the right.....
you NEED to hear the music :0)
AND if you click the YOU TUBE tab you can watch it bigger!!)

Happy FAMILY DAY Aregash!!!


Lori Stark said...

beautiful video, Kendra!

Stephanie said...

LOVE!! Beautiful video even more beautiful journey you are on! Love from the James Family

Alivia said...

Love! Happy Family Day!!!

Bonnie Nieuwstraten said...

Oh, thanks for making me cry. That was beautiful!! Your family is beautiful. I always wanted to make a video like that but never got my act put together, so good for you!

Hope your "Family Day" was very special.

nic said...

i'm late to the party (per usual), but happy family day, aregash!

Cami said...

Beautiful!!! Love it.

music player