Friday, December 18, 2009

AND WE"RE OFF!!!!!!!

So a decision has FINALLY been made...adoption agency chosen--yay!!!! And now begins our journey to go here, and more specifically, here to bring our little girl home.

We listened and God spoke...Hallelujah!!

What a Christmas gift!


J Webb said...

Kendra--I am so happy for you. God bless.

Deena said...

Thanks so much for your comment! I will be checking out your blog to see how things go for you with Holt. How exciting to start the process and breath a sigh of relief after deciding on an agency. Take a little time to enjoy the holidays and before you know it, you will be done with the paperchasing! The past six months of physicals, paperwork, organizing, etc. has gone very quickly and now I am feeling very anxious (like you) because we are waiting for our dossier to make it's way to Ethiopia. I would love to share ideas about fundraising. I feel exactly the same way - at times, I am a little panicked about the funds (after we pay for all of the agency stuff, the travel expenses will be waiting...that is such a huge expense!). I keep trying to remember that God doesn't call the equipped, he equips the called...I have a few ideas in mind, but would love others. We are hoping to have a huge garage sale this spring, I may host a "gold" party and I am selling Suubi necklaces (which people seem to love). I look forward to your ideas as well. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas and look forward to following you are your journey...

Love said...

YAAAAY! i am so happy for your family! so, so happy.

you asked if i ever felt like anxious about things (especially financially). i have to honestly say no, BUT that is just my personality, too. i do not get worked up about much. (maybe to a fault.)

i do know that THIS is God's heart. caring for the least of these. LOVING them. giving them a family. He is for you. He is for your child. He can complete this good work. I will pray for that anxiety and that He begin to show you ways to make this happen!

SO happy for you. do not doubt this. this is one of the greatest journeys EVER.

missy said...

oh how exciting! can't wait to follow along!

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