Dic had to go across the state for work and Zach needed to be in the same town for a baseball tourney...
so we ALL went along.
It was GREAT fun!
at Falls Park in Sioux Falls, SD |
cute as a button..as always |
We went with another adoptive family to eat at an ethiopian restaurant--
we don't have anything even resembling ethiopia in our town.
the sample platter |
there were things like beef tibs, lamb, goat cheese, collard greens, potatoes, carrots.
it was delicious and the boys loved it too.
aregash was in. heaven!!!
they even had the yummy fanta-soda-drink |
at one point some ethiopian men came over to speak with aregash.
they told us several times how grateful they were that we brought her here and gave her a loving family.
it was such a beautiful few minutes
with people from her country.
you never really know just how people feel when they see their children leaving their homeland.
we told them what we tell everyone........
WE are the blessed ones--
that their country has blessed us with it's children.
that this little one has been the blessing to us.
my heart melted.
she was ECSTATIC that she got to eat her Ethiopian cuisine-- |
this is what the injera is typically served on and everyone gathers around to eat, but we had to many people. the owner asked aregash a question in amharic and she answered(in english). my eyes welled up with tears...so did hers.
at the water park--gotta love those lines :0)
this would be the mommy trying to be cool.
turns out the kids already thought i was cool--
Zach's team WON the championship game!!! Woo Hoo!! |
the champions of the 10-year-old division.
and our LAST game of the season!!!!
coach and son giv'n some "bumps" |
some badly needed time away with family
helped to soften this mamas heart.
and then at the end of the trip.....
i still have
and this
and this
mama's happy :0)