Updating my Blog has rolled to the back burner, but I'm trying really hard to do it! We leave in 23 days and I am frantically trying to keep up with everything......the kids, the house, the shopping, Halloween, care-takers while we're gone, lists for care-takers, packing donations, packing. And now I am in the nesting state. The things I haven't been able to keep up for the last year I want done BEFORE we leave. We don't bring her back this trip, but we need to be prepared since the holidays are coming up fast and going back to Ethiopia could be right around the corner (hopefully).
I started washing and hanging the clothes we have been given soo far. I am in the process of getting her a mattress to put up her bed and arrange her (& brother's) room. So here are some pictures of what I've done thus far---bedroom picts to come.
Her clothes received from family---looks like she's set!
She's sharing a room and closet space with her brother--it's beginning to get a little cramped--he's soo excited!
Her first baby doll--also her first gift given at referral from our great friends--who have also adopted from Ethiopia.
Her outfit for the plane-ride home....with hopes that it fits :), given by my sister.
And her first snuggly toys for comfort....unless she just wants her mommy--
I can live with that.
I am feeling the adoption-pregnancy in full force right now. It probably sounds crazy if you've never been there, but it sure feels real. Finally allowing myself to become emotional about this child of mine who we will meet in just 23 days. Trying to see past the pictures, into her heart. What does her voice sound like? Will she respond positively to us at our first meeting...our second meeting? How big is she--do I have the right size clothes, or will we need to do some shopping? Will she attach to us? Does she think about her birth family and how is she dealing with it? How will she feel about leaving her friends and nannies? How long will it take her to understand our language?
Very overwhelming right now. I hope everyone can try to understand that this isn't just bringing a child from poverty to our cozy home. There is loss in her life.....lots of loss. This journey is beautiful and sweet, but it's also overwhelming and emotional for soo many......her birth family (who will have to come to court one more time and may come to meet us during our second trip), her nannies who have cared for her for the last 6 months or more, and our family...going through soo many changes both physically and emotionally. If you could please lift us all up in prayer we would all be grateful.
23 days from today before Dic and I leave our boys for one week, in the hands of others, to meet our daughter...
their sister....
a gift,
the most-precious gift,
God could give
I sooo can relate to all your feelings as we leave in just 33 days!! So we aren't too far behind!! Blessing and prayers to you as you travel and meet your precious little one for the first time!!
Love and Prayers!
Thank you for your comment! What a beautiful family, can't wait to see the new addition. God bless as you make this first trip- praying all goes well and you return quickly to bring her home. :)
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