~Remembering our Lord and Savior at Christmas time~
~Last year we began a Christmas tradition as a family by reading about St. Nicholas and the gifts of gold he brought the poor (and this tradition carries on today). We do this Christmas morning after the boys have received their Santa gifts and before we exchange gifts to each other. This year we read about the secret of the three gifts Jesus was given by the wise men. Each king brought the infamous gifts, but the Angel Gabriel stopped each of them and asked if their gift was something of the essence of themselves. At that moment their gifts turned into something very undesirable...something they knew they couldn't leave with Jesus, their newborn king. And the Angel responded each time, "what better place to leave it?" And each of the men left with burdens lifted and a clean slate.
Our boys understand that Christmas is about the birth of Jesus Christ, and so now we can explain that our gifts that we give to each other are in His honor. We incorporate the story of Christ, of course, with our gift-giving. Each of our sons receives a gift of Gold (their St. Nicholaus gift), a gift of Frankincense (something that would be precious to them--an item that we feel describes them), and the gift of Myrrh (something that they will be able to use every day--a more practical item). I love this way of bringing Christ into our craziness of the season and it's a quiet, peaceful time. I LOVED when my usually, ungrateful 9-year-old said, "I LOVE everything I got!!". yay!!!
Even though I received the most gorgeous handbag and the TV for my kitchen I have been wanting for years.......this was MY favorite thing. You know when you get a gift that you didn't even ask for and you know that some thought was put into it? Or the person who picks it out just thinks of you? Well, my sweet husband found this book for me. It brought me to tears--it just describes me and where my heart is right now. I couldn't really have asked for anything more.
We made these little "mice"--from chocolate-covered cherries, Hershey's kisses, and choc. chips. These are for Santa every year as well as some home-made chocolate chip cookies---we only filled his milk half-way since Rice Milk is the only kind of milk we have here--does he like rice milk?? Hmmm..... Good 'ole St. Nick took care of it. :0)
This is my favorite picture of the day--my nephew, Jace--my younger brother's son. He loves to come to our house and play with the kids' light sabers, although he's only 2 and doesn't have much control. :0) Zachary drew his name and this was the first thing we ALL agreed he'd like---styrofoam and all. :0) Do you think he loved? Oh, HE LOVED!!!! He started in on our Christmas tree, so we had to move him to the hallway where he'd be safe. Talk about how BIG things come in small packages!
Our boys understand that Christmas is about the birth of Jesus Christ, and so now we can explain that our gifts that we give to each other are in His honor. We incorporate the story of Christ, of course, with our gift-giving. Each of our sons receives a gift of Gold (their St. Nicholaus gift), a gift of Frankincense (something that would be precious to them--an item that we feel describes them), and the gift of Myrrh (something that they will be able to use every day--a more practical item). I love this way of bringing Christ into our craziness of the season and it's a quiet, peaceful time. I LOVED when my usually, ungrateful 9-year-old said, "I LOVE everything I got!!". yay!!!

We had Dic's family at our house for Christmas eve and my family for Christmas day. Here is our extravagant night of pizza after a great service at our church--always wonderful. The kids were part of a play--or actions to the story of the birth of Jesus. My whole family attended. Lovely weekend.
Thank you God for giving us your son, not just today, but every day.